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Other Barrick Projects in Chile: Lu�s Faura Cortes, Councilperson of Alto del Carmen

by Lu�s Faura Cortes

The mountain range in Alto del Carmen is rich in minerals, there is no doubt about it, and for this reason it has awoken the ambitions of unscrupulous companies whose only interest is to remove the riches present there as cheaply and quickly as possible.

�Pascua Lama� is an example of a project which, despite various lawsuits as yet unresolved, and many irregularities that have occurred in the process of �public participation�, was given approval in Argentina and Chile with the backing of millions of dollars.

And this is just the beginning, as it's not the only mining project underway in our mountains. In Chollay, Barrick has another two projects: �Chollay� and �Pachuy�, the former within the �Barrick property� (50,000 hectares misappropriated from the Huascoaltinos - the people of the Huasco Valley), and the latter at the source of the Pachuy stream, adjacent to the village of Chollay. This mining company is also carrying out research or prospecting in the �El Corral� gully, where more minerals have been found. A friend from El Corral told me that �with the roads they're making, they're destroying all the vegetation - the proof is in the planned area for the road where construction hasn't yet begun, it's clear to see that the yareta (tiny flowering South American plant) will disappear.�

  There's also the �El Morro� project, very close to the large lagoon.
For some time now, in the area where this mineral is found, prospecting work has been carried out - particularly with trucks and drilling - which, as the neighbours of Valeriano agree, are the reason why the Cazadero River has all but dried up.
Concern in the area is huge, as almost all the inhabitants earn their living through cattle farming and so spend long periods in the areas in which this project would be developed. They are already threatened by the company- �from 2007 onwards they will deny us access to the area, they'll throw us off our land, what will we do? Where are the authorities that we chose to protect us?� asked one person, hurt and crying. A worker on the project commented that �CONAMA (Chilean Government�s National Environmental Commission) is on its way to inspect, and so they're frequently transplanting and watering a fertile lowland that they'd dried out through drilling in order to demonstrate that they have not caused damage, when we all know already that it's dried out.

A short time ago it was announced by the media that another project, known as �Valeriano,� was being negotiated, and was to be bought by the mining company Andina Minerals.

There's yet another project from the company Minera Frontera del Oro (Golden Frontier Mining), a subsidiary of the Canadian Temke Minerals. This project is called �Las Flechas� (�The Arrows�) and, like Pascua Lama, would be binational, on the Argentinian-Chilean border.

Where are the authorities, where is CONAMA (the Chilean Government's National Environment Commission), where is the Vigilance Junta (water users board), and all of those who are still able to stop this crime that's about to be committed in our valley? Are they waiting to negotiate? Are they waiting for the legitimate owners to be forced off their land, like what happened with Pascua Lama? What will happen to our water if they set up these and other projects? There's no doubt that they will be supported by the staunch partners that mining companies have in our area, partners who are capable even of selling their own mother. But this will depend on what we do or neglect to do, those of us who feel a real affinity with our land, and with the water.

Friends, let's keep informed, as with the approval for Pascua Lama, the lock that prevented other companies from moving in has been opened. If we, the people truly affected by this, don't do something - those of us who, in an environmental disaster, or when the water runs out, will have to stay in the valley until we die - nobody else will do it for us. The others, those negotiating, have no roots here and so at any moment can leave for new places, in search of new business deals, as that's their way of life. They are only interested in money, and of course they can do this, they already have plenty of money.

If we wish to leave something for coming generations, we should worry today, tomorrow will be too late. Let�s save our valley.

Lu�s Faura Cortes.
(translated by Sophie Green and Madeline Shearer)

(spanish version)

La cordillera en Alto del Carmen es rica en minerales, de eso no hay duda, por lo que ha despertado las ambiciones de empresas inescrupulosas a las que lo �nico que les interesa, es llevarse  las riquezas all�  existentes al m�nimo costo, y en el menor tiempo posible. �PASCUA LAMA� es un ejemplo, a pesar de que existen varios procesos o demandas judiciales que no han sido resueltas, y de las muchas irregularidades que se han cometido en el proceso de �participaci�n ciudadana�, logro en chile y argentina la aprobaci�n de su proyecto a punta de millones de d�lares. Y esto es solo el comienzo, ya que no es el �nico proyecto minero que existe en nuestra cordillera, la barrick en chollay tiene dos proyectos mas: �CHOLLAY� y �PACHUY�, el primero al interior de la �propiedad de barrick� (50.000 hect�reas usurpadas a los huascoaltinos), el segundo en las nacientes de la quebrada de pachuy, esto es frente al pueblo de chollay, esta minera tambi�n esta realizando estudios o prospecciones en la quebrada de �EL CORRAL�, lugar en donde habr�an encontrado mas mineral, �con los caminos que est�n construyendo, est�n arrasando con toda la vegetaci�n, la muestra esta en el trazado del camino que aun no han construido, se ve clarito como desaparecer�n las yaretas� me comentaba un amigo de el corral.

Adem�s esta el proyecto �EL MORRO�, muy cerca de la laguna grande. Desde hace bastante tiempo que en el sector donde se ubica este mineral se est�n desarrollando labores de prospecci�n principalmente caminos y sondajes. Estos �ltimos, de acuerdo a versiones de los vecinos de Valeriano, son los causantes de que el agua del r�o cazadero pr�cticamente se haya secado. La preocupaci�n que existe en la zona es enorme ya que los habitantes de all� se dedican en casi su totalidad a la ganader�a, por la que pasan grandes temporadas en las �reas en donde se pretende desarrollar este proyecto, y ya est�n amenazados por parte de la empresa  �ya desde el 2007 nos prohibir�n el acceso a la zona, nos correr�n de nuestro territorio �que vamos a hacer?, �donde est�n las autoridades que elegimos para que nos protejan?� Comentaba una persona, llorando muy dolida. Un trabajador de ese proyecto comento �esta por subir la conama a inspeccionar, por lo que est�n trasplantando y regando muy seguido una vega que secaron con los sondajes,  eso, para mostrar que no han causado da�o, cuando todos sabemos que la vega ya se seco�

Poco tempo atr�s, se informo a trav�s de los medios de comunicaci�n, que se estaba transando otro proyecto denominado �VALERIANO�, lo habr�a comprado la empresa minera Andina Minerals.

Existe tambi�n otro proyecto, de la empresa minera frontera del oro, filial de la canadiense Temke Minerals. Este se denominar�a �LAS FLECHAS�, y al igual que Pascua Lama se tratar�a de un proyecto binacional, es decir se ubicar�a en la frontera chileno-argentina.

�Donde est�n la autoridades, donde esta la conama, donde esta la junta de vigilancia, y todos  los que aun pueden detener el crimen que se cometer� en nuestro valle? �Esperando negociar?, �esperando que corran de esos territorios a sus leg�timos due�os como ocurri� con pascua lama? �Que pasara con nuestras aguas si se instalan estos y otros proyectos mas?, No cabe la menor duda de que ser�n apoyados por los incondicionales socios que las mineras tienen en nuestra zona, los que son capaces de vender hasta a su madre. Pero esto va a depender de lo que hagamos o dejemos de hacer nosotros, los que sentimos real arraigo o apego con nuestra tierra, con el agua. Amigos inform�monos mas, ya que con la aprobaci�n de pascua lama, se abri� la cerradura que imped�a a otras empresas poder instalarse, si no hacemos algo nosotros los verdaderos afectados, los que cuando ocurra un desastre ambiental, o se termine el agua, y que tendremos que permanecer en el valle hasta morir, nadie lo har�  por nosotros, los otros, esos que negocian no tienen ra�ces aca por lo tanto en cualquier momento partir�n a otro lugares, a buscar nuevos negocios, pues esa es su manera de vivir, solo les interesa lo econ�mico, y por supuesto que podr�n hacerlo ya que tienen dinero de sobra.

Si queremos dejar algo a las generaciones que vienen despu�s de nosotros, preocup�monos hoy, ma�ana ser� demasiado tarde. Salvemos nuestro valle.

Lu�s Faura Cortes


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